Pure Health & Hormone Center

5004 S MacDill Ave Unit B

Tampa, FL 33611

(813) 333-5335

Diagnostic Blood Testing Tampa

Diagnostic Blood Testing: Unraveling Your Health Mysteries

Why Choose Diagnostic Allergy & Blood Testing?

At Pure Health & Hormone Center, we understand that accurate diagnoses are the foundation of effective treatment. Our Diagnostic Allergy & Blood Testing services offer a comprehensive approach to uncovering the root causes of your health concerns. With cutting-edge testing methods and a team of experienced professionals, we strive to provide you with the answers you need for better health.

Diagnostic Blood Testing Tampa
Diagnostic Blood Testing Tampa
Allergy Testing Tampa
blood test near me
Allergy Testing Tampa
blood test near me

Advanced Allergy Testing for Targeted Solutions

Living with unidentified allergies can be frustrating and potentially harmful. Our Diagnostic Allergy Testing utilizes state-of-the-art techniques to pinpoint allergens that may trigger adverse reactions. By identifying these triggers, we can help you develop targeted solutions, leading to symptom relief and improved overall well-being.

Comprehensive Blood Testing for In-Depth Insights

Blood testing is a powerful tool that allows us to assess your overall health and identify potential concerns. Our Comprehensive Blood Testing examines various markers, including nutrient levels, hormone balance, and organ function. This in-depth analysis provides valuable insights, guiding our team in creating personalized treatment plans to address any imbalances or deficiencies.

blood test near me

Personalized Treatment Plans for Optimal Health

Once we have a comprehensive understanding of your unique health profile through our diagnostic testing, our team collaborates to create personalized treatment plans. These plans take into account your specific needs, lifestyle, and health goals. Whether it's managing allergies, optimizing nutrition, or addressing underlying health issues, our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimal health.

To optimize your levels we check the following

Various Hormone Blood Panels

Has the doctor ever discouraged hormone testing or deferred you to a hormone specialist? You have come to the right place. At A.I. Health Centers, we specialize in hormones. This group of blood tests evaluates how your health is doing. We evaluate your complete blood count, liver and kidney health, cardiovascular / cholesterol health, reproductive hormones, advanced sex hormones, thyroid hormones, stress hormones, growth hormones, advanced inflammation markers, bone health

Suboptimal levels in men and women can lead to unwanted symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, poor muscle, mood, sexual desire, motivation, and more.

Specialty Testing

Allergy Testing

Food and/ or Environmental Allergy Testing 
Have you ever wondered about what foods you can eliminate or add to your diet to improve your overall wellbeing? At A.I. Health Centers we evaluate your symptoms and based on this we tailor specific allergen tests to your blood profile. This lab draw can be drawn at one of our local offices or at a partner facility. 

Option to add on…
Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury, chromium, zinc, and lead can be found in drinking water. Accumulation of certain metals in the body due to exposure through food, water, industrial chemicals, or other sources can cause chronic or acute rare symptoms.

Covid-19 Antibody

Determine if your body has developed antibodies necessary to help fight off the Coronavirus with the Coronavirus Antibody Test also named COVID-19 IgG/IgM blood test.

Our Process

  • Schedule your complimentary consultation
  • Complete your intake and consent forms
  • Schedule your lab draw at your convenience
  • In depth Provider Consultation
  • Customized Comprehensive Health plan
  • Regular follow ups

Empowering You with Knowledge

We believe that informed patients make better decisions about their health. With our Diagnostic Allergy & Blood Testing services, we provide you with the knowledge to take charge of your well-being. Our healthcare professionals take the time to explain the test results and answer any questions you may have, empowering you to be an active participant in your healthcare journey.

Schedule Your Comprehensive Testing Today

Don't let undiagnosed allergies or unidentified health imbalances hold you back from living your best life. Take the first step towards a healthier and more vibrant future by scheduling your Diagnostic Allergy & Blood Testing at Pure Health & Hormone Center. Our team is dedicated to providing you with accurate diagnoses and personalized solutions for a better quality of life.


  • How long will it be before I see a provider?

    From initial complimentary consult to provider consultation, it can take about 2-3 weeks.

  • Do you accept insurance?

    We only accept insurance for the purpose of labs.

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